Friday, January 3, 2014

The Da Vinci Load

So there's been a non-ending stream of joy and mirth surrounding Shia LaBeouf's inability to be coherent without directly carving chunks of language from another source and repeating the sounds exactly as they originally occurred using his own voice.

It's called plagiarism, but let's have fun with it.

So he makes a critically acclaimed short film that apparently rips off Dan Clowe (of Ghost World fame) and then gives a bunch of different apologies when he's called on it. And I mean many varied apologies, which are promptly found to each be copied word for word from different sources. It's like LaBeouf was trying to get a leg up on the inevitable Youtube sketches.

So the final bit of this, and the thing that makes it absolutely lovely to go and read for yourself, is a kind of moon-based email interview between him and In it he manages to be obnoxious, crazy, AND stupid all at once. Seriously, go read it.

The thing is, I'm trying to be a nicer person. Really I am. But the way he's cornered several times and doesn't slip out of it so much as he oozes destroys my resistance here. And if you get to the end, there lies the ultimate treat; the chance to imagine LaBeouf saying "thug life". Comedy fucking gold.

But at the same time, getting to that statement is a real slog through an incomprehensible landscape that kind of resembles, if you squint very hard, written language. I'm about to run an experiment to see if I can make this more legible, or push it over the edge into the absurd. I'm taking LaBeouf's statements from this interview, translating them into Klingon, then Korean, then Russian, then back into English. Let's see what happens!

"What does an artist do – they just point and say look at this."

Translation: Iran is good, the only artist, subtle look.

"I agree with Julian Schnabel , Jeff koons, Duchamp ect……
You agree with?"

I agree with Julian Schnabel, Jeff Koons, Duchamp, etc.
Ready to give you?

(Okay so that one worked)

"Cool, u stick with ur squad
I’m good with mine
Live good player"

Squad mix
I have a good
The players have a good life

"Of course – art is not about itself, but the attention we bring to it.
Art is a lie the makes us realize the truth.
In the 21st century there is NO personal language.
Just personal selection of language.
We are products of editing.
Not authorship.
Appropriation has been the most influential theme in art sense the 70s.
If you look at Warhol’s work and say ” oh well he didn’t paint that – its just silk screens ”
Your missing the point.
Our notion of genius- a romantic – isolated figure – is fucking outdated
An updated notion of genius would have to center around ones mastery of information
And it’s dissemination
It’s the 21st century, thug life
It wants to be fee."

OK-you have to escape the attention, but it's not.
Learn the truth lie in Flash.
There is a private in the twenty-first century through the language.
Selection of individual language.
Editing product.
Author (s).
But you long influential theme ' 70 's nonsense.
So Warhol saw a victory and said: "Oh, we have the following screen only green silk mangoh Vichel»
There is thin.
Genius-thanks to a romantic figure in isolation is a concept of fucking
The concept, in the center of them, you can update the reason around the genius whose mastery
And dissemination of information
life in the twenty-first century, thug
Only a few are essential.

"Authorship is censorship
Should God sue me if I paint a river?
Should we give people the death sentence for parking violations-
You’ll not only have less parking violations but less DRIVERS."

Authorship censorship
The next day, I pray to God we can be sued for green, River mangoh?
Thus we provide parking dead
If you have a parking Bay, while the old driver.

"The word law is against my principles.
The problem begins with the legal fact that authorship is inextricably
bound up in the idea of ownership and the idea of language as
Intellectual property. Language and ideas flow freely between people
Despite the law.  It’s not plagiarism in the digital age – it’s repurposing.
Copyright law has to give up on its obsession with “the copy"
The law should not regulate “copy’s” or “reproductions” on there own.
It should instead regulate uses – like public distributions of copyrighted work -
That connect directly to the economic incentive copyright law was intended to foster.
The author was the person who had been authorized by the state to print there work.
They were the ones to be held accountable for the ideas.
Simple – should creation have to check with a lawyer?"

For the principle of the word grammar.
Lung problems, legal and the fact that the author is inextricably
Are you sick of property thought and design language
Intellectual love. The expression language reduces the flow and freely, those who
It's the law. Reuse of Digital plagiarism-old know it.
The Act of «copies» surrender copyrigt obsession
"Copy" and then "clone" normative or VNS still dies.
Business manners and public works management instead of copyrigt distributions and thus the Tao
All the laws of the Empire and the copyrigt means economic incentives to grow.
Before working on the state name print artist-certified people.
One of them, which in theory of liability.
The author can be danohmeh Chou wa'dich censors persecution
Ngil ' 4 xech radical writer, posting.
We remember a simple check necessary the creation of lawyers?

I never asked to be paid
And never profited off anyone’s back
acting is Plagiarism
Like magicians
We tell you we’re gonna lie to you"

In their honor
Do not pay what you have to say
Will never again.
Plagiarism smoke
Mage as
He'min ' or lies, we

"I’m very sorry
I have agents to suss out material
I have a lawyer to get me out of jail
Nothing is original
Creativity is just connecting things"

I have a space to explore general deposit
I have not had a third attorney tyurma
The source or
The only thing connecting creativity
 *                *                 *
Jesus, guys, I think it's a tie as to which version is more legible. I think in the end this all just kind of made me sad inside.

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