Thursday, August 18, 2022

Class or No Class

 The series of posts that follow, on this worn out and abandoned blog, are simply my way of memorizing and interpreting lessons from my class. I suppose I should organize my thoughts here, something I've been having trouble with lately.

So yes, this is just a weird way for me to engage with my coursework.

Backing up a moment, let's mention why I'm at this point on my life, way late. My first attempt at college was interrupted by my father's death, a weird shifting of the estate by my stepmother, and false claims of his bankruptcy that left my brother and I with no inheritance. My father did not have a will at the time, for reasons that are not known to me. This effectively ended my first stab at college.

Many years later and I've been working at a job that has a union, and it was idiotic of me but it took me a couple of years to take advantage of the online free college program that the union provides. If you are part of a union, check the Union Plus website to see if yours participates.

I'm currently a third of my way toward my associate's degree, and for some reason I decided to go with a business degree. Well, that one is actually easy to explain, it's basically the generic requirement on most job applications these days. So right now I am attending classes for American Government and Principles of Management.

If you found these entries, you're invited to glaze over and go elsewhere. If this actually interests you, welcome aboard. I'm not doing this for an audience, but for some reason my brain is saying this is the best way for me to engage with myself.

I'm going to start these entries shortly, but I will note that my management class hilariously begins by analyzing management techniques utilized with Egyptian slaves. This kind of thing is helping me realize that a business degree ultimately isn't for me, but I will finish my associates before moving on to better things. Besides which, even subjects that cause some revulsion can inspire further studies into subjects that are anathema to business. I already have several books from the library on degrowth and the deconstruction of the powerful mythology surrounding the idea that corporations are beholden to shareholders.

I may also use this blog to experiment with original thinking on these topics, as well as attempting to put together academic papers that I'm working on.

I'm definitely also trying to get back into writing about entertainment, philosophy, and other subjects that have always loved. I will probably post those somewhere more visible by modern standards, but I will definitely link to them from here just in case.