Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Jesus creeping shit

Didn't this guy have the nomination cinched just last month?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Pandora - Prologue

It had started long before the fire, but that was where his mind always traced things back to.

It had started with an act of mercy. A foolish, instinctive act of mercy that had resulted in one thousand years of death, blood, and pain.

Sooner or later, he figured, it always started with blood. Everything, when you got right down it, started with blood.

He drifted -if his sensations were real- in that timeless, placeless place. And while he never slept, he was well aware that he dreamt.

Yeah, whatever

Walked along the beach for what might be the last time in a while yesterday morning. The sun rose at my back and warmed my neck, and I turned to watch it illuminate my footprints on the sand before the ocean waves reclaimed any sign of my passage.

Every morning should be that fucking beautiful.

Mario is Murder

Thursday, November 3, 2011